Friday, September 23, 2005

Eli has arrived

Eli arrived on Septmeber 17, 2005 at 12:36 a.m. He weighed 8 lbs 4 oz and was 22 1/2 inches long. We may be a little biased but we think he is the most beautiful boy ever!

Uncle Daniel

This is Eli's Uncle Daniel(Jenny's brother). He took off work to make sure he was there to see Eli enter the world. Eli was very thankful that he was able to make it:) We know that he will be a great uncle!

Eli' Grandparents

Both of Eli's grandparents made it to the hospital on time. Ray Ann and Sharon drove from Louisiana(right)and Steve and Connie drove from Alabama(left). I am sure it was the longest drive they have ever driven:)

Mommy and Daddy's first time to hold Eli

This was our first time to hold Eli after he was born. It was such an overwhelming feeling. I never thought I would stop crying. I am so blessed to not only have a baby but also to have such an amazing husband.